Tuesday, March 03

Praha, Czech Republic

Global Presidential Primary in Prague - March 3, 2020

VOTE! CAST YOUR BALLOT for your preferred candidate for the Democratic Nomination for President at the Global Presidential Primary Voting Center in Prague on Tuesday, March 3, 2020.
The 2020 Democrats Abroad Global Presidential Primary runs from March 3 to March 10, 2020.
➡️Vote in-person at our Voting Center*, or remotely via email, mail, or fax.
➡️Ballots for remote voting will be available for download from February 18.
➡️Register to vote in the Global Primary by joining Democrats Abroad at democratsabroad.org/join.
To join Democrats Abroad, you must be a US citizen abroad, and 18 years of age, by Nov 3 2020.
* Same-day registration allowed at Voting Center.


Tuesday, March 03, 2020 at 02:00 PM Prague Time


Globe Bookshop
Pštrossova 1925/6
Praha 110 00
Czech Republic
Google map and directions