Mark Sinclair (Chile), Sanders Delegate, Americas Region and Global

I'm a progressive cis-gender straight male Caucasian living in Chile, my birth country, since 2002. Educated in US public schools all my life, I support Bernie's Free Public Higher Education proposal. Since my youth, I've been involved in social movements and political organizing for a more just, inclusive and non-imperialist US- Picketting for United Farmworker Union boycotts in the 70s, organizing teach-ins and campaigns to end illegal US covert wars in Central America in the 80s and working in education/child welfare advocacy in the 90s (in Minnesota). I've been working in international student exchange for the last 18 years, principally with US study abroad students. In addition to supporting Sander's campaign pledges, I'll advocate for a sharp reduction in military spending (but support fully funding veterans programs) in order to confront health and climate crisises and a non-interventionist, multi-lateral foreign policy that promotes human rights.