February 21, 2018

DA Italy Meets in Madrid

The regional meeting of Democrats Abroad was held one week ago in Madrid, Spain, and a significant percentage of the DA Italy leadership team took the time to participate in the two-day event. For many, this was not only the first Democrats Abroad leadership meeting, but it was also the first time they had met each other face-to-face. Volunteering for Democrats Abroad takes on new meaning when given the opportunity to talk with like-minded Americans and even more so when the meeting is as well-organized as this one was. The DA Spain team coordinated insightful sessions that covered all the areas of interest for activating Americans living outside the country, paying special attention to voter registration given the importance that holds for the 2018 mid-term elections. All of the sessions and events were excellent and the DA Italy team came back to the BelPaese full of new energy and ideas for connecting with Democrats living in their respective areas. Want to volunteer? [email protected]
