Never before has the strength of the Democrats Abroad been more important to ensure voices of Americans living abroad are heard and our votes are counted!
Please consider joining the Democrats Abroad National Board, Canada. The deadline for submission is Wednesday February 13th, 2019 at 11:59pm
Here is a refresh of the positions up for election:
Democrats Abroad Canada invites you to nominate
candidates to the Board of Directors
On Sunday, March 31st, 2019 Democrats Abroad Canada [DACA] will hold its Annual General Meeting [AGM] to elect our Canadian officers.
As we prepare for the 2020 Presidential Election cycle, we need your help in identifying a slate of candidates to lead DACA for the next two years. Any DACA member may nominate themselves or any DACA member for any office.
A nominee must:
- Be a member of Democrats Abroad Canada
- Be a US citizen, a resident of Canada and willing and able to handle the duties of the office
- Give his or her consent to stand for election
Your Nominations & Elections Committee invites nominations for the following offices:
- Country Committee Chair
- Executive Vice Chair
- Vice Chairs [2 positions]
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Membership Secretary
- IT Manager
- Counsel
- Members-at-Large [3 positions]
- Democratic Party Committee Abroad [DPCA] Voting Representatives [12 positions]
Descriptions of the specific responsibilities for each position can be viewed by clicking on the Officer position on the Nomination form at the link below. A short supporting statement describing the nominee's skills and experience pertinent to the office is requested.
Nominations open with this mailing and will close at 11:59PM EST on February 13, 2019.
CLICK HERE to access the candidate nomination form
Thank you - your participation is greatly appreciated!
Democratically yours,
DemsAbroad Canada Nominations & Elections Committee
Bodil Geyer, Chair, Vancouver, BC
Starla Goggins, Toronto, ON
Randi Weitzner, Teller of Elections, Montreal, QC