We are asking for your urgent action to support our gold standard Medicare for All bill.
Right now Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Washington) is quietly rewriting the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act. The original legislation, based on the advice of the Physicians Working Group to create a universal public healthcare system in the US, is the gold standard of single-payer legislation. In its place, Rep. Jayapal is drafting new legislation under the National Improved Medicare for All banner and her staff have admitted the rewritten legislation will be weaker than its predecessor.
A single-payer healthcare system is both possible and morally imperative in a great country like the USA, but in order to achieve it, we must stand up and demand a strong bill.
We have just a few days to weigh in before the Medicare for All re-draft is finalized and released in mid February. Here's what you can do:
Call Rep. Pramila Jayapal today at +1 202 225 3106 and tell her to preserve the original provisions of the Medicare for All bill by:
- Prohibiting for-profit providers and buying their facilities.
- Putting everyone into the new system at once.
Permitting the participation of all people in the United States.
[For more information on these demands see http://healthoverprofit.org/letter-to-congresswoman-jayapal-protect-everyones-health/ ]
- Sign this petition to all House members asking them to expand Social Security and Medicare for All. Then call your representative and ask them to support both bills.
- Check with your local DA chapter to see if they are participating in a Medicare for All Day of Action in February. Click here to contact your Country Committee Chapter, or search for them on Facebook.
- Join our new closed Facebook group for the Democrats Abroad Medicare for All Working Group. There we'll be organising and posting more actions for you to participate in.
There are are currently unprecedented levels of public support for Medicare for All and we need to mobilize to keep the momentum going!