The Nominations Committee is seeking nominations for the officers who will lead the Canada's Capital Region chapter of Democrats Abroad for the next two years. We will hold elections for two Chapter Co-Chairs, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Volunteer and Membership Outreach Coordinator, and up to three Members-at-Large at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on April 20, 2021, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM Eastern Time (ET). The meeting will be held online via Zoom. (Please watch your email for an announcement of the meeting, and a link to register.)
Nominations close on March 5. Your online ballots will then be emailed to you on April 5 with instructions on how to complete and submit the ballot by April 19.
The Co-Chairs elected shall be members of opposite gender or gender fluid/non-binary as per the by-laws of Democrats Abroad and the rules of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
Job descriptions for each office appear below.
You have 3 options for submitting a nomination.
- Complete the online nomination form by clicking here
- Submit a nomination via email
- Submit a nomination via Canada Post
Submissions via email may be sent to [email protected]. You can also mail your nomination(s) to: DAC Capital Chapter Nominations, c/o 323 Knox Crescent, Ottawa, K1G 0K9.
An accompanying letter supporting your nominee, or yourself if you are self-nominating, is requested. It needs to describe skills and experience pertinent to the position (or office) for which you or your nominee is running. A nominee must be a Democrats Abroad Canada – Canada’s Capital Region member, a US citizen, a resident within the boundaries of the Canada’s Capital Region chapter, and willing and able to handle duties while adhering to the principles of the Democratic Party of the United States. A nominee must give their consent to stand for election.
As a chapter officer you will be expected to actively participate in the management of the Chapter, including attendance at monthly board meetings, either in-person or virtually.
We greatly appreciate your assistance and look forward to receiving your nominations.
Best regards,Democrats Abroad Canada – Canada’s Capital Region Chapter Nominations & Election Committee
Nanci Burns
Carolyn Farquhar
Tobias Maxwell
Chapter Chair*
The Chapter Chair shall call and preside at all General Meetings, Special Meetings, and Executive Committee Meetings of the chapter.
The Chapter Chair shall have Membership responsibility for the day-to-day activities of the chapter and for execution of all activities approved and undertaken by the Chapter. The Chapter Chair may appoint such ad hoc committees as are necessary for the execution of the activities of the chapter.
The Chapter Chair shall be a voting member of the DA Canada board as Chapter Representative and is responsible for enacting policies as determined by Democrats Abroad Canada (DACA).
Chapter Vice Chair*
In the absence of the Chapter Chair, the Chapter Vice Chair shall call and preside at meetings of chapter members and/or officers.
The Chapter Vice Chair shall have such other duties as chairing one or more committees, depending on their experience and preferences.
The Chapter Vice Chair shall work with the Chapter Chair to ensure all responsibilities approved by and on behalf of the Organization are supervised and executed appropriately.
The Chapter Vice Chair shall be of a different sex to the Chapter Chair (or non-binary), as per the bylaws of Democrats Abroad and the rules of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
* Where a chapter customarily elects two co-chairs, these duties and voting privileges are shared between them.
Chapter Secretary
The Chapter Secretary shall distribute required meeting notices, and attend and produce minutes for all chapter meetings. The Chapter Secretary shall maintain all files and administrative records of the chapter in the global wiki per DACA direction. All such records shall be open for inspection by members. Minutes of all meetings shall be approved by those in attendance at the next such meeting (i.e., of the chapter or of its executive).
The Chapter Secretary shall schedule all meetings. In the case of absence of the Chapter Secretary, the Chapter Chair or Vice Chair (or one of the Co-Chairs) shall designate to another Officer the responsibility to attend and produce the minutes.
Volunteer and Membership Outreach Coordinator
The Membership Outreach Coordinator is responsible for welcoming new members, for helping members feel involved, and for recruiting volunteers for specific tasks when required, while using best practices to ensure data integrity, confidentiality, and accuracy.
Chapter Treasurer
The Chapter Treasurer shall manage the finances of the chapter and maintain its financial records per DACA direction. The Chapter Treasurer reports to the chapter Executive and to chapter members, and makes and maintains such financial reports as may be required by DACA. All such records shall be open for inspection by members.
The Chapter Treasurer shall prepare and present to the AGM of the chapter a Statement of Income and Expenses and a Balance Sheet based on a fiscal year ending December 31.
Chapter Members-at-Large represent the broader membership and bring to the Organization special gifts and talents, which complement those of the other elected officials on the Board (for example, French Language Media Spokesperson).