I've lived in Trinidad & Tobago since 1972. Health care is completely government-funded,including ambulance service, hospital care, and the neighbourhood health offices. This is paid for by tax-payers. In 1976 I had my appendix taken out at the Port-of-Spain General Hospital. No cost to me. In 1981 my daughter was born at a government-run maternity hospital. No cost. Beginning in 2010 and continuing until right now, I have had many hospital stays due to heart and lung problems. Most of these began with an ambulance ride to the hospital. I did not have to pay anything. For more routine, non-emergency health care, I attend a clinic at my neighbourhood health office. Both my husband and I attend twice per year for general check ups of our blood pressure, and any other problems that might arise. Blood work is done every year. Appropriate medication is prescribed. Trinidad & Tobago has health offices scattered throughout the country. They run various clinics on different days of the week. There is a Child Welfare clinic that keeps track of children's growth and ensures that they receive their inoculations. There are birth control services. Although tax payers foot the bill, no one is turned away. The poorest of the poor can be seen by a doctor. This system was set up by the British in colonial times and has been continued. The down side: Trinidad is a "developing country" which means that there are not enough doctors, especially specialists. Often, there are drug shortages. My prescriptions cost nothing to fill at government hospital or health office pharmacies but sometimes I have to purchase them at privately-run pharmacies due to shortages in the public system. The waiting time for attention can be very long. Needed equipment might be broken, not working. There is a parallel, very high priced, private medical system in place, very much like what happens in the US. Some doctors have a conflict of interest. Still, having said all this, what is so hard about setting up health care in the US? The infrastructure is already there; so many hospitals and medical offices. Imagine, a little third world country like Trinidad has health care for all but it's a huge problem in the US! I suspect that more developed countries like Canada and Australia would probably be better examples of successful public health care. As retired people, both my husband and I are grateful for Trinidad's public health care system, even with all it's faults and shortcomings. Yes, America needs to learn that health is an expense, not a profit-making endevour. The doctors and insurance companies in the US need to pack up the greed and realize that the population needs and deserves health care. If nothing else, at least the work force would be healthier. I hope this has shed some light on the subject. I also hope that health-care-for-all becomes a reality in America. Regards, Janice Seaton