Sample letters

Letter regarding ACA 

[First Name Surname Name]
[State] Voter District [#]
[Address line 1]
[City][Post code]

The Honorable [First and Last name of Elected Official]
[Address line 1]
[Address line 2]
[City], [State] [Zip Code]

[DATE], 2017

Dear [Title Surname],

I am a regular [name of state-district number] voter and [personal details here].

I write to you because I am deeply troubled by the apparent willingness of Republicans to jeopardize the healthcare of Americans, and ask that you reject legislation repealing the Affordable Care Act.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, 18 million people will lose their health coverage within one year if Republicans dismantle the ACA without a viable replacement. This number, which would grow to 32 million over 10 years, is one of human consequence – of cancer treatments interrupted, elderly left without medication and sick children unable to receive care.

Please stand up for what is morally right and truly in the best interest of our great nation. I sincerely thank you for your service.   

Democratically yours,


Letter regarding Steve Bannon

[First Name Last Name]
[State] Voter District [#]
[Address line 1]
[City][Post code]

The Honorable [First and Last Name of Elected Official]
[Address line 1]
[Address line 2]
[City], [State][Zip Code]

DATE, 2017   

Dear [Title Surname],

I am a proud American and a regular [name of state if Senator, state and district number if Rep] voter. I am writing from [Town, Country], where I am currently living {provide some personal detail here}. 

I am writing today to let you know that I am deeply troubled by the appointment of Steve Bannon to the National Security Council. I ask that you support H.R. 804, the Protecting the National Security Council from Political Interference Act of 2017.

The security of our great nation must not be politicized. The NSC is no place for a political strategist, especially the likes of a white supremacist who has made a career out of spreading conspiracy theories and hate. Moreover, the strength of the NSC’s Principals Committee is derived from experienced staff with senate confirmation, namely the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff.

Please take a stand and speak out about Bannon’s appointment. Thank you for your service to the state of [state] and to the nation. 

Thank you for your service to the state of [State] and to our country.

Democratically yours, 


Letter regarding the EPA 

[First Name Surname Name]
[State] Voter District [#]
[Address line 1]
[City][Post code]

The Honorable [First and Last name of Elected Official]
[Address line 1]
[Address line 2]
[City], [State] [Zip Code]

[DATE], 2017

Dear [Title Surname],


I am a regular  [name of state if Senator, state and district number if Rep] voter, and a believer in both science and climate change. I am writing from [Town, Country], where I am currently living {provide some personal detail here}. 

I write to you with deep concern about the future of the Environmental Protection Agency, and ask that you vote against H.R. 861 and its goal of abolishing the agency by the end of 2018.

The role of the EPA has never been more vital. Last December, a Reuter’s investigation identified 3,000 U.S. locations with lead poisoning worse than in Flint, Michigan, at the height the city’s contamination crisis. If anything, now is the time for stronger environmental oversight and enforcement. We cannot jeopardize our children’s health by eliminating the EPA.

Thank you for your service to the state of [State] and to our nation.  

Democratically yours,


Letter regarding Judge Gorsuch

[First Name Surname Name]
[State] Voter District [#]
[Address line 1]
[City][Post code]

The Honorable [First and Last Name of Elected Official]
[Address line 1]
[Address line 2]
[City], [State][Zip Code]

DATE, 2017

Dear [Title Surname],

I am a proud American and a regular [name of state-district number] voter. I am writing from [town/country], where I am currently living [provide some personal details here]. 

I ask you today to please reject Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

[Now add reasons and examples]

Reasons you might include:

  • Ultra-conservative
  • Favors corporations over working people
  • Hostile to women's rights
  • At 49, influence will be felt for over a generation

Examples you might include:

  • Ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby after they refused to provide contraception coverage to women for religious reasons.
  • Sided with Little Sisters to the Poor in their challenge to the Affordable Care Act and its contraception mandate.
  • Led a judicial battle to help Utah defund Planned Parenthood affiliates.

Again, please reject Judge Gorsuch’s nomination. Thank you for your service to the state of [your state]  and to the nation. 

Democratically yours,
