Special Elections - IN YOUR STATE

2021 is considered an "off-year" for elections, but there are still major elections happening in:

California, New Jersey, Virginia, Ohio, and Florida

To register to vote and/or request your ballot for 2021, go to www.votefromabroad.org


Special election to determine if Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom should be recalled. And, if he is recalled, who should be his successor.

Who can vote: All overseas California voters who are registered to vote by the deadline

Voters will be able to vote on two questions:

(1) Should Governor Newsom be recalled? Yes or No  -- we urge you to vote NO

2) In the event Gov Newsom is recalled, whom do you choose to succeed him as governor?
You must choose from the list of candidates on the ballot and Governor Newsom is not an option.

Important reminder to voters: Even if you vote NO on the recall, you should also vote for a Democrat to succeed Gov Newsom in the event the recall is successful.

Deadline to Register to Vote: May be sent in by Mail or Fax (Online submission available only with valid California state identification)

  • Postmarked by: Aug 30, 2021 - If sent by Mail

  • Received by: Aug 30, 2021 - If sent by Fax or submitted online (to use online registration you must have a Calif driver's license or ID)

  • Conditional Registration: Available from Aug 31 to Sep 14 for voters who appear in person in California

Deadline to Request a Ballot: May be submitted by Email, Fax, or Mail (Online submission available only with valid California state identification)

  • Not Required: Every California voter who is registered by the deadline will receive a ballot

*If you haven't voted in the last 4 general elections (that is, haven't voted since 2012), then you may not be considered a registered voter any more and you'll need to register to vote by the Aug 30 deadline.

Deadline to Return Ballot: May be returned by Mail or Fax

  • Postmarked by Sept 14, 2021 AND Received by Sept 21, 2021 - if sent by Mail

  • Received by Sept 14, 2021, 8pm - if sent by Fax


Offices on the ballot: Governor, Lt Governor, State Senate, and State Assembly

Who can vote: Overseas NJ voters who indicate that they "intend to return" to NJ

*Overseas NJ voters who indicate their "intention to return is uncertain" or that they have "never resided" in the US are eligible to vote in federal elections only and will not receive a ballot for NJ state elections

Deadline to Register to Vote: May be sent in by Email, Fax, or Mail

  • Received by Oct 3, 2021 - If you request on your form that your ballot be sent to you by Mail

  • Received by Oct 12, 2021 - If you request on your form that your ballot be sent to you by Email or Fax

Deadline to Request a Ballot: May be sent in by Email, Fax, or Mail or Fax
 *Even if you are registered to vote, you MUST send in a form to request your ballot in 2021 to vote in this election

  • Received by Oct 3, 2021 - If you request on your form that your ballot be sent to you by Mail

  • Received by Oct 29, 2021 - If you request on your form that your ballot be sent to you by Email or Fax

Deadline to Return Ballot: May be returned by Email, Fax, or Mail
 *If returned by Email or Fax, voter must also put original ballot in the mail at that time

  • Received by Nov 2, 2021, 8pm


Offices on the ballot: Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, and State House of Delegates

Who can vote: Overseas VA voters who indicate that they "intend to return." Also, overseas VA voters who indicate their "intention to return is uncertain" if they provide the name of an employer for themselves, their spouse, or their parent (if a dependent).

*Overseas VA voters who indicate their "intention to return is uncertain" and do not have an employer, or that they have "never resided" in the US are eligible to vote in federal elections only and will not receive a ballot for VA state elections

Deadline to Register to Vote: May be sent in by Email, Fax, or Mail

  • Received by Oct 12, 2021, 5pm - For civilian (non-military) overseas voters

  • Received by Nov 2, 2021, 7pm - For military voters and their eligible family members

Deadline to Request a Ballot: May be sent in by Email, Fax, or Mail
 *Even if you are registered to vote, you MUST send in a form to request your ballot in 2021 to vote in this election

  • Received by Oct 22, 2021, 5pm

Deadline to Return Ballot: Must be returned by Mail

  • Postmarked by Nov 2, 2021, 7pm AND Received by Nov 5, 2021, 12 Noon



OH-11 Special election to replace Democrat Marcia Fudge, who resigned her seat to serve as Secretary of Housing & Urban Development

OH-15 Special election to replace Republican Steve Stivers, who resigned his seat to become President of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce

Who can vote: All overseas voters with a voting address in either Ohio's 11th or 15th Congressional Districts
*To find your Congressional District, enter your voting address here: www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative

Deadline to Register to Vote: May be sent in by Email, Fax, or Mail

  • Received by Oct 4, 2021

Deadline to Request a Ballot: May be sent in by Email, Fax, or Mail
*Even if you are registered to vote, you MUST send in a form to request your ballot in 2021 to vote in this election

  • Received by Oct 30, 2021, 12 Noon

Deadline to Return Ballot: Must be returned by Mail
 *It's ok to use a private courier services, such as DHL or FedEx, but a different deadline applies:

  • Postmarked by Nov 1, 2021 AND Received by Nov 12, 2021 - If returned by regular mail;

  • Or, Received by Nov 2, 2021, 7:30pm - If returned by courier service



Special election to replace Democrat Alcee Hastings, who died on April 6, 2021

Who can vote: All overseas voters with a voting address in Florida's 20th Congressional District
*To find your Congressional District, enter your voting address here: www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative

Deadline to Register to Vote: Must be sent in by Mail (Online submission available only with valid Florida state identification)

  • Postmarked by Oct 4, 2021 - If sent in by Mail

  • Received by Oct 4, 2021 - If submitted online (to use online registration you must have a FL driver's license or ID) 

Deadline to Request a Ballot: May be sent in by Email, Fax, or Mail
*Even if you are registered to vote, you MUST send in a form to request your ballot in 2021 to vote in this election

  • Received by Oct 23, 2021

Deadline to Return Ballot: May be returned by Fax or Mail

  • Received by Nov 2, 2021, 7pm - If returned by Fax

  • Postmarked by Nov 2, 2021 AND Received by Nov 12, 2021 - If returned by Mail