November 09, 2016

Thank You! And Now to Work

Early this morning, while we reflected on the disheartening results of the US Presidential  election, we took heart in also reflecting on the hundreds of thousands of lights of goodwill that are our members, our leaders, our donors and our volunteers.

Thank you to our country committee and global leaders across the world who donated their time and commitment to Democrats Abroad efforts this year.

Thank you to our volunteers who spent hours planning and running events, making phone calls, standing at voter booths, helping at study abroad and Rock the Vote programs, answering help desk questions, manning our social media platforms, and more. And to our donors, who were so crucial in paying for the platforms that we used and the phone calls that we made.

And of course thank you to our members who got out and voted and then got their friends and family out to vote too.

We helped over 150,000 overseas voters vote through our online tool -, made more than 125,000 calls to voters and helped more than 30,000 voters through our online help desk. Our numbers from our own efforts are up almost 85% from 2012, and we expect that numbers for the global overseas vote may have doubled since 2012.

We did not prevail in the Presidential election but our votes have made a difference in tight races down ticket, and we've proven the strength of the overseas vote through our efforts. 

Join with us to use that strength to help ensure that the progressive values we believe in are nurtured and protected, and that our family, friends and fellow Americans do not need to live in fear of prejudice and injustice. Join with us in working towards 2018, when many Democratic Senate and House seats will be up for reelection. For as Hillary Clinton reminded us today, "fighting for what is right is worth it."

Democrats Abroad Executive Committee

Katie Solon, International Chair
Art Schankler,  International Vice Chair
Tom Schmid, International Treasuer
Julia Bryan, International Secretary
Orlando Vidal, International Counsel
Jody Quinnell, Regional Vice Chair Americas
Alex Montgomery, Regional Vice Chair Asia/Pacific
Merrill Oates, Regional Vice Chair, Europe Middle East and Africa