Vivian Beelte

Vice Chair, Basel Chapter

Living abroad may mean physical distance but it should not be a hindrance to our connection nor engagement. In fact, it can be a motivation. Making a difference from afar drives my commitment to Democrats Abroad. Working in concert with like-minded folks to address issues and determine leadership in the USA provides a concrete means to contribute even when living overseas.

For more than seven years, I have been energized by my involvement with Democrats Abroad Switzerland (DACH) both locally and around the country. I value helping lead our efforts in Basel and around Switzerland. Our critical ability to unleash the power of voter turnout and rebuke the ominous forces of voter suppression means nothing less than protecting a democracy that needs to work, and work for everyone.

I have lived in Switzerland for seventeen years since re-locating from New Jersey. Long involved in racial, gender, environmental, economic and generational justice issues, either through work or volunteering, I had not had a particularly political history until the build-up to the 2016 campaigns. But that all changed.

There is no escaping that recent elections at all levels have spawned a host of seismic shifts. Just witness the powerful contrasts of truth versus lies, rebuilding versus destruction, courage versus retreat, equity versus bias, focus versus distraction, solidarity versus hatred and hope versus havoc. These are critical balances in our fragile democracy.

Through DACH we can help preserve the progress and build the nation. Whether you make sure to vote, get others to vote, help organize activities, join interest caucuses, tackle pressing issues or raise funds, thanks for being part of the cause! The stakes couldn’t be higher.

You can email me at [email protected].

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