2 sample Instagram posts + graphics publicizing event with link to sign up or RSVP email
April 21 #DAClimateAction begins - #GoGreenVoteBlue Help us start a blue wave across the USA! DA [chapter name here] will be organizing online with activities to educate and inspire you during Earth Week. Find your local online event here [URL/link to all DA events OR your chapter event]
What are your #EarthDay plans? DA [chapter name] is hosting an online Teach-in! You don’t have to leave your house to hear from [guest name(s)] and learn more about the climate crisis and why it’s so important to #GoGreenVoteBlue Democrats Abroad Women’s Caucus Climate Action Team is mobilizing to turn out the climate vote in 2020, and you can get started with us on [date, time of your event] RSVP here [RSVP email address or link to event page]