Our team lifts the voices of women serving and seeking office by bringing exclusive interviews, articles, and events
from Capitol Hill to Democrats Abroad.


Team Leader: Carol Moore
Contact: [email protected]


Welcome to the Candidate Information Action Team of the Democrats Abroad Global Women’s Caucus!

In the run up to the 2020 Election, the Candidate Information Action Team aimed to raise awareness with DA members of the fantastic women running for Congress. Our ‘Women to Win’ series shared the stories of women in particularly difficult districts where Trump had won in 2016. Team researchers interviewed a number of Representatives who had won Republican seats in 2018 as well as Democratic candidates running to flip other Red districts Blue. Their work on these candidate profiles was published here on our blog and across social media. We also hosted and co-hosted virtual “Town Halls” for thousands of DA members to listen in and directly ask important questions to candidates in their voting district.

Of this came a number of successes for newly elected Representatives Carolyn Bourdeaux (GA-07) and Teresa Leger Fernandez (NM-03), Re-elected Representatives Lucy McBath (GA-06), Lauren Underwood (IL-14), Elissa Slotkin (MI-08), and Senator Jeanne Shaheen (Senator from NH), and newly elected Arizona State House Representative Judy Schwiebert (AZ State House-20). A special celebration ensued for Representative-Elect Carolyn Bourdeaux and State Representative-Elect Judy Schwiebert for flipping their respective Red districts Blue!

This year, the Candidate Information Action Team will continue to engage with incredible democratic women. Our ‘Capitol Women’ series will highlight the work of elected women while striking important conversations with them on issues that DA voters care most about. The ‘Women to Win’ series will continue to promote women running for office in upcoming special and future midterm elections, connecting voters abroad to candidates across the nation. And finally, our most important work is staying connected with you! Watch for our monthly updates in the GWC newsletter to stay informed about upcoming events and links to stay connected to articles here on this page.

We look forward to continuing to serve the GWC by connecting you to the wonderful women serving, or seeking to serve, in public office.