Sunday, March 16


Chapter Elections 2025 - Göttingen-Hannover Region

Every two years, the chapters of Democrats Abroad Germany hold their chapter elections for leadership positions. This year on Sunday, March 16 we will be voting for our new Chair and Vice Chair. Information about how to run and the voting process should be in your email inbox as a message from the Chapter Nominations and Elections Committee (CNEC), or you can go here to read more! All positions will receive training from DA and can draw from the experience of past officers.

Important! The elections will begin at 6:30 pm - the meeting before hand at 6:00 pm. Please be on time as it facilitates the election process (being sure of quorum, confirming all candidates are present, etc).

Be sure to RSVP for login information! 


Sunday, March 16, 2025 at 06:00 PM Berlin Time


Google map and directions


[email protected]

Please enter only ONE person's name and contact details here.
If you are already a member of Democrats Abroad, please enter your name and email address that you have on your membership record.