Saturday, September 28

Munich, Germany

Democrats Abroad Oktoberfest Extravaganza 2024

Oktoberfest_2024.pngJoin the 16th annual Democrats Abroad Oktoberfest Extravaganza!

What started out 16 years ago as a Democrats Abroad “FUN-draiser” is now one of DA’s premier events worldwide. Come to Munich’s Oktoberfest, with Democrats from all around the world, in one of the most traditional beer tents! 

Join us on Saturday, September 28, in Munich, Germany for the Annual Democrats Abroad Oktoberfest Extravaganza! This is a fun event for DA members from around Germany and Europe to come together and have a good time.

We have reservations in the Festhalle Schottenhamel for tables in the "Gallerie", specifically an area upstairs so that we are above the main crowd, from 10am until 2:15pm.

Each ticket includes:

  • A reserved seat in the “Gallerie”
  • A roasted half chicken (there are vegetarian options available)
  • Two liters of Spaten beer (there are other beverage options, too) 
  • A 15-euro coupon for other purchases


Go to this page, to purchase a ticket to enter a prize draw, to win a ticket to Oktoberfest!


Travel & Accomodations

Travel & Accommodations must be arranged by attendees individually.  Accommodations are expected to be expensive due to the high demand during the Fest.  However, previous attendees have had luck with MotelOne hotels, specifically MotelOne Deutsches Museum, MotelOne Riem, or MotelOne SendlingerTor, in terms of quality, cost and proximity to public transportation.

If you have any questions, please contact the DAG Oktoberfest organizers at [email protected]


Other events during Oktoberfest weekend:


  • NEW! Even if you can't attend Oktoberfest, you can help us raise money by participating in our Virtual Auction!
    • Go to this link to see the basket options, generously assembled by the Berlin Region Chapter, and bid on your favorite.


All proceeds go to supporting our get out the vote efforts to remind and support US citizens in requesting their ballot for the 2024 elections, including online phone calling tools, printing costs and advertising.

Please note: As this is a fundraising event and we have to commit to ticket purchases, we cannot guarantee refunds should you need to cancel.


Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 10:00 AM Berlin Time


Festhalle Schottenhamel
Munich, BY
Google map and directions


Karena Detweiler
[email protected]

76 RSVPs