June 02, 2020

Results from the Regional Conventions

DA Delegates & DNC Members – 

The Global Presidential Primary

In March, Democrats Abroad members around the world voted in the Global Presidential Primary which determined the number of pledged delegates for candidates that crossed the 15% threshold. Bernie Sanders received 57.9% of the vote for 9 pledged delegates and Joe Biden received 22.7% of the vote for 4 pledged delegates.


The DA Regional Conventions

On Saturday,May 16, 2020, more than 200 electors logged onto their computers from around Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) in our first fully online regional convention. Over the course of the day, these “electors” represented their country committee’s members and voted for the delegates who will represent EMEA in the 2020 Democrats Abroad delegation to the National Convention. The people elected to represent the EMEA region come from many countries across the region and represent the diversity of our party and our organization. Democrats Abroad Austria is very proud that both our current Vice Chair, Juan Cerda, and our former Chair, Katie Solon, won their elections for delegate and DNC member respectively.


The DA Global Convention

On the weekend of June 6-7, DA Austria’s three DA voting representatives will be again joining other DA leaders online to vote for the remaining global delegate positions and DNC members. We will also be voting on resolutions for the DA 2020 Platform. 


The Americas and the Asia Pacific Regions also held their regional conventions on the same weekend. Here are the results of the elections in all regions:

Regional At-large Delegates:


  • Timothy Ellis (CA), Sanders
  • Miguel Madrigal (CR), Biden

Asia Pacific

  • John Baumlin (JP), Sanders

Europe Middle East & Africa

  • Farid Ben Amor (CH), Sanders
  • Onelica Andrade (BE), Biden
  • Juan Cerda (AT), Biden
  • Anne Dlugosz (FR), Sanders
  • Marisa Grimes (RW), Biden
  • Diego Rivas (DE), Sanders

2020-2024 Regional DNC Members

  • Aaron Kruse (CN)
  • Katie Solon (DE)
  • Ken Sherman (CA)

Platform Committee Members


  • Rachel Eugster (CA)
  • Sam Goodman (CR)

Asia Pacific

  • Kent Getsinger (AU)
  • Kiyoko Ayukawa (JP)


  • Heather Stone (IL)
  • Nathan Zaccai (UK)