April 05, 2018

Sunshine and News from the Excom, don't miss out!

Everything is turning from grey to green here in Prague as April gusts clear the clouds away. The weather matches the month - which is busy as we prepare for the Tokyo AGM, an exciting visit by DNC Chair Tom Perez, and run GOTV actions around the world.

Do you have questions about voter registration or phone banking? Would you like to hear what other committees are doing to get out the vote? Join the conversation (and read past topics) by joining the GOTV email list. To get started, email [email protected] and ask to be added.

All the work that DA does wouldn't be possible without each of us volunteering our time, which is why April is a special month for us. It's Volunteer Month, and to help celebrate, our Comms team is writing a series of stories on the the volunteers that power your committees. Nominate a volunteer (or two!) here.

Do you have a resolution or proposed charter amendment you'd like to send in? You still have 20 days to get them in. Email resolutions to Susan Vaillant and send your amendment suggestions to the Bylaws team through this online form.

And if you're interested in the amendments already in the schedule, do remember to stop by the hearings this week and next. Head here for more information.

Before I wrap up, Amanda Mohar (Comms team) wants to remind you all that she has office hours on Friday. Stop by if you have questions about media outreach, social media, your newsletters, email and more!

Our next ExCom meeting is today at 8am DC time. Our Excom meetings are on Thursdays at 8am DC time unless otherwise noted. As always we'd be delighted to have you join as a guest. If you're interested, get in touch with Jeffrey at [email protected] and he'll send you the link to the meeting.

Thank you for all that you do!

Best, Julia

Julia Bryan

International Chair, Democrats Abroad

Mark your calendars
1st bylaws hearing - April 7 (webex)

2nd bylaws hearing - April 14 (webex)

3rd bylaws hearing - April 21 (webex)

Tom Perez reception – April 26 (London)

Annual General Meeting – May 25 - 27th (Tokyo)

2018 GOTV calendar
