Interested in
ExCom Positions: Chair; Vice Chair
At-Large Board Member: At-Large Member
Based in: Beijing
My name is Joshua Lally, I'm a lifelong Democrat (dyed in the wool) who votes in Nevada's 1st Congressional District. I've been in Beijing, China now for over 12 years and I'm the Director of Food and Beverage for multiple popular restaurant brands in Beijing that have not only thrived, but have expanded to multiple locations around the city. I can also read and write Chinese, which can be a big asset here in China.
I mention my time in Beijing and experience in F&B because it relates to an understanding of how to create systems and structures that last the test of time, as well as how to navigate the unique challenges in this country that we call our adopted (or even temporary) home. I've studied and worked with really fantastic management and strategy methods and would love to apply that background to growing DA China. My passion in running for Chair or Vice Chair lies in helping the country committee to create a lasting structure that will focus on three essential goals: to build the membership for Democrats Abroad China, to sustain the enthusiasm of our members through various events and engagement, and through that engaged membership, activate them in times of need to assist the greater goals of the Democratic Party. To that end, I have also participated on the DA China Steering Committee in considering the organizational growth and direction of our new country committee.
It's as simple as that for me. I'm passionate about getting people involved to support the Democratic Party and push to take back all three branches of government. I want to get as many Democrat voters registered and involved with DA China as possible and see an engaged electorate working for change back home. We've seen such an amazing turnout and revitalized interest in American politics from this election and I want to help to build the organization that will serve these newly engaged minds in meaningful activities and involvement, hopefully putting them and the greater Democratic Party on a brighter and more successful path for the future. EMAIL