Interested in
ExCom Positions: Legal Officer
At-Large Board Member: At-Large Member
Based in: Beijing
I'm a corporate attorney at a US law firm and currently based in Beijing. I'm running for the Legal Officer position. I last worked in and voted in New York for Hillary one long night a lifetime ago, right by her campaign headquarters at the Javitz center in Manhattan.
I also previously worked in Vietnam and helped DA Vietnam organize fundraisers and absentee ballot collections for the first Obama campaign. I also interned for a Democratic congresswoman in D.C. and worked on Democratic campaigns in California. I learned a lot about organizing from these experiences and hope to be able to put some of that knowledge to use for us here in DA China.
As a lawyer, I hope to be able to use my legal experience working with corporate clients in New York to help the leadership team operate in compliance with DA China's bylaws and navigate any legal issues DA China may come across.
As a liberal and a Democrat though, my main passion is to do everything I can to help us build up our membership and organize/engage us in the Resistance back home. I firmly believe that should be DA China's primary goal right now and think we should be a big-tent platform for organizing Americans of all stripes for this most important of fights.
If any of the above connects with you, I hope you will give me your support. And if not, I still look forward to doing everything I can to help us continue the good fight here in China, whether as part of the DA China leadership team or not. EMAIL