Thursday, April 13

Paris, France

Politics & Pints - Meet the Youth Caucus Steering Committee!

The Youth Caucus, Democrats Abroad France extends the invite to our monthly Politics & Pints!

Come share a pint, a Perrier, and some political chat with Paris' most interesting and eclectic group of young people All are welcome!. No moderated discussion, just freewheeling socializing! For more information, email [email protected] or visit our Facebook page.

🍻Join us as we cheers to the next two years of Voter Reg, youth outreach & political activism! 


Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 06:00 PM Paris Time


The Great Canadian Pub - Latin Quarter
25 Quai des Grands Augustins
Metro Saint Michel - Metro Lines 4 & RER B
Paris 75006
Google map and directions


Youth Caucus of DA France
[email protected]

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