Saturday, September 17
Düsseldorf, Germany
Register Together Düsseldorf
To help U.S. citizens abroad request their absentee ballots and follow the sometimes complicated state-by-state guidelines, Democrats Abroad is sponsoring “Vote From Abroad” voter assistance tables on September 17th at scores of locations around the globe. Virtual voter assistance sessions will also be held throughout the day. The information stands and online assistance are open to all U.S. voters.
Hear from Americans about the upcoming elections and learn more about voting from overseas by visiting one of our Voter Assistance Tables!
If you want to help staff our table in Düsseldorf, please sign up for a shift or two here.
Saturday, September 17, 2022 at 12:00 PM Berlin Time
Mannesmannufer 2
Düsseldorf 40213
Google map and directions
Aileen Dinin
[email protected]