January 28, 2020

GWC launches Women and Climate Action Team with Paris Event

GWC Chair Ann Hesse traveled to Paris to moderate an event organized by the DA France  Women’s Caucus on January 26. 2020
 This event launches our new Global initiative: 


Here are some of the issues addressed:

Is Climate Change a gender issue? What is the connection? A UN Report tells us that “Women commonly face higher risks and greater burdens from the impacts of climate change in situations of poverty, and the majority of the world’s poor are women. Women’s unequal participation in decision-making processes and labor markets compound inequalities and often prevent women from fully contributing to climate-related planning, policy-making and implementation.”

Three DA France experts addressed climate change and gender questions and wowed the audience.  All three of them are ready to press forward on our GWC initiative.
Our experts:

Alyssa Fischer is a climate & sustainability expert with a focus on urban climate challenges and the inclusion of equity into climate conversations. She presented an overview on urban policies and talk about how perceptions of climate change differ between men and women.

Dr. Cara Maesano is a scientist and researcher in environmental epidemiology and exposure science at INSERM/Sorbonne University, focusing on how the physical environment affects public health. She is part of C40's Women4Climate mentorship program, through which she investigates and educates on issues relating to the health impacts of Climate Change. She provided an overview of health impacts of Climate Change.

Dana Powers is an environment journalist specializing in renewable energy and chairs the Democrats Abroad France Environment Policy Group. She addressed the nexus between gender, population and climate change.

Jean-Pierre LaRochelle filmed this event and we will soon make it available  as part of an educational toolkit for all of us to learn from and enjoy.

If you are interested in volunteering for this team, contact Ann at [email protected]

Watch the video here:   


Some fun photos from the event:

Two Smart ladies DA France Women’s Caucus Co-chairs Connie Borde and Sheila Malovany-Chevallier

Ann Hesse preparing with guest
Cara Maesano

Pleased  with a successful event and launch for a very important project!
