December 10, 2018

Help Stop Violence Against Women on College Campuses

The Women's March theme for this year is “Stop Violence Against Women.”
Our DA Global Women’s caucus will focus on achieving this goal by working through our legal system to secure equality under the law.

But you don’t have to wait for our January 19th world-wide marches to make your voice heard!

You can do something TODAY to help fight back against the gradual erosion of our rights that we have seen over the last two years.
Help us to Stop Betsy De Vos from imposing terrible new rules for sexual assault survivors on US college campuses.
 You can read more about her proposal here.

We are encouraging all our caucus members to be part of a National Women’s Law Center post card/letter-writing campaign to stop her, that ends January 28th. Please read more about it here.

As we prepare ourselves to march in the streets on January 19th, we can a first step NOW!
 But we have only until January 28th to file comments. Your hand-written note can make a difference!

