April 06, 2017


Please check this page for updates. Last updated April 6, 2017.
DATE: May 6, 2017
LOCATION: TBD. (Physical meeting locations in Beijing and Shanghai will be announced. Full participation via online conference is welcome and encouraged, details will be provided.)
Who May Participate: Members of DA residing in China. To join DA go here: www.democratsabroad.org. Open to US citizens only, 18 years or older.
DA China Draft Bylaws: Link
DA China Leadership Elections: 11 Leadership Board members will be elected. Of them six shall be Officers who comprise the Executive Committee (ExCom), and they shall be the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Legal Officer and Director of Communications and IT. The Chair and Vice Chair shall be of opposite genders. 
The Chair shall be the chief executive officer of the organization, shall call and preside at all meetings of members and of the Executive Committee, and shall have responsibility for all activities approved by the organization. The Chair shall sit ex-officio on all committees of the organization including Standing Committees, with full voting privileges. 
In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall call and preside at meetings of members and of the Executive Committee. The Vice Chair shall have such other duties as the Chair shall define. The Vice Chair shall be the opposite gender of the Chair.
The Secretary shall maintain a current list of verified members of the organization; individual members may review and revise their own member record, otherwise the secretary shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of membership list names and contact details. The secretary shall also maintain minutes of all meetings, and all files and administrative records of the organization and make them reasonably available for membership review.
The Treasurer shall manage the finances of the organization, maintain its financial reports to members, and make and maintain such financial reports as may be required by US law, particularly but not limited to those related to election campaign finance. All such records shall be open for inspection by members. 
The Legal Officer shall advise the Committee or its officers on legal and procedural questions relating to DACN.
The Director of Communications and IT (“Communications Director”) shall direct and coordinate the efforts of the Committee to communicate with the membership, coordinate relations with the Press, and advise the Committee on appropriate and effective channels of communication, in particular use of social media and digital meeting platforms. 
Five At-Large Positions
The roles and responsibilities of At-Large Board Members shall be defined by the Board as a whole. 
The election shall be administered by a Nominations and Elections Committee appointed by the provisional steering committee of DA China as approved by the Regional Vice Chair for the Asia Pacific region of DA. The members of the NEC are:
Ada Shen
Rich Welch
Radha Chaddah
Nominations for candidate for the Board of Directors should be submitted to the NEC by email to: [email protected]. The deadline for nominations is April 19, 2017.
Nominations are open to all registered members of Democrats Abroad living in China (“Eligible Members”). Members are free to nominate themselves. All nominations require the endorsement of a second Eligible Member in the form of a brief letter of recommendation also submitted to the NEC at the email above. 
Nominated candidates should submit a brief statement outlining their reasons for seeking election and relevant experience and/or qualifications.
Candidates for Officers shall be nominated at the Annual General Meeting on May 6, 2017, from among the 11 people elected to the Board of Directors. Candidates for election to the Board may indicate their intention to run for an officer position in the statements submitted as nominees for the Board.
Questions? Please feel free to contact the NEC at [email protected]