April 30, 2024

April Showers

Got skillz? 
Fast learner with a big heart? 

Tell your friends and join our ranks - DACN needs leaders for our Get-Out-The-Vote teams at every level. The time is now to turn out voters in November, and you gotta play to win. 

Calling all:

  • Graphic design gurus (and novices too!) 
  • Insta-voter-success influencers
    Creative copy cats - develop copy for newsletters, websites, & social media.
  • Kitten herders 😸 DACN requires volunteer coordination at the city and committee levels.
  • Smooth operators to remind our members to vote by call/message. 
  • At-home pros to ensure voters are protected via our email service called Intercom.
  • Too-hot-to-handle hotline organizers. Roll out voter assistance via Zoom & WeChat.
  • Event enthusiasts to host engaging registration & voter assistance events across China. 

Join our meeting Tuesday night, train online, complete our volunteer interest form, and connect with us via email: [email protected].