Bylaws Collection Period Announced
Democrats Abroad China reviews its Bylaws and Rules annually, by June 30th. Current DACN Bylaws can be found here.
DACN's Chair, Liz Blackbourn, appointed a Bylaws and Rules Committee to collect, collate, and report on all submissions to the DACN Board and the Memberships at large for voting and ratification. It is co-chaired by Adam Bucky and Geneva Jones.
Herein, we’d like to serve notice to the Membership regarding the following:
Period of Collection: beginning April 25, 2024, and for the next 30 days, the Bylaws and Rules Committee will accept proposals and amendments.
Submissions are being collected via Google Form.
Alternatively, email: [email protected].
The subject line should read: YOUR NAME - Bylaws & Rules Submission
Example: “TAYLOR SWIFT - Bylaws & Rules Submission”
Please watch this page and other DACN spaces for future announcements related to Democrats Abroad China Elections, Bylaws, and our Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Adam Bucky & Geneva Jones