The Democrats Abroad Global Convention weekend is upon us!
As momentum is building towards the August Democratic National Convention and November elections, we will meet virtually to elect the final members of our DNC delegation and adopt our 2020 state platform.
DNC Delegation
Because of the global pandemic, our three regions (Americas, Asia-Pacific, and Europe, Middle East & Africa) met virtually in May, instead of in Toronto as previously planned, to choose their Democratic National Convention (DNC) representatives and permanent DNC members.
During the Regional Conventions, regional electors elected five Sanders Delegates, four Biden Delegates, and three regional DNC members to represent Democrats Abroad (one from each region).
This Saturday, June 6, DPCA (Democratic Party Committee Abroad) members from around the world will convene online to elect one Sanders PLEO delegate (Party Leader & Elected Official), three additional Sanders at-large delegates, and two alternate delegates (one each for Sanders and Biden, respectively). They will also elect three further Democrats Abroad members to serve on the DNC from 2020 to 2024.
Democrats Abroad sends a 26 member delegation to the Democratic National Convention, including our Global Chair and Vice Chair and three standing committee members. Your voices in shaping our platform and delegation have been heard and will be well represented.
DA Platform
On the second day of the convention, Democrats Abroad convention electors will discuss and vote on the adoption of our 2020 Democrats Abroad Platform.
The Democrats Abroad 2020 Platform communicates what we believe and why, on a range of issues important to us. Our perspectives and experiences from living in other cultures enrich the Democratic Party vision and validate policies in the Democratic Party platform. The DA platform is also a key tool which we use to advocate for issues that are important to Americans abroad. With over 7500 inputs from plank polls and kitchen table talks, our platform articulates foundational principles that will guide us over the next four years.
The Global Convention is the spark from which Democrats Abroad is poised to fire up Americans across the world to bring sweeping Democratic wins in November.
Stay tuned for news from the convention.