Sunday, May 09


DAUK Tax Committee Global Candidate Event

All Democrats Abroad candidates running for election to be elected at the May DPCA global election are invited to discuss Democrats Abroad tax advocacy work, where each candidate stands, and promises to do to ensure our tax advocacy work is supported on a global level, within the DNC, and in Washington once elected.

The DAUK Tax Committee wants to be sure that we know the candidates and all DPCA reps can make informed votes.

If you have a question you'd like to be asked of the candidates during the event, please email your question to [email protected]

The DAUK Tax Committee is dedicated to passing Residency Based Taxation, the FATCA same country exception, a fix for GILTI for small and medium sized businesses abroad, eliminating the Windfall Elimination Provision, and fixing the raft of tax and financial services discrimination that Americans abroad face.


Sunday, May 09, 2021 at 06:00 PM London Time


DAUK Tax Committee
[email protected]

39 RSVPs