Kaiserslautern-Saarland Region Chapter
of Democrats Abroad - May 2022 News & Events
The recently-leaked draft Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, while anticipated for months, goes even further than some thought it might. The draft ruling lays the groundwork for states to ban and criminalize not only abortion, reproductive healthcare, and contraception, but also other hard-fought and long-held 14th Amendment rights impacting hundreds of millions of Americans.
But we can fight back. 2022 is a decisive election year. We need YOUR help to mobilize now - by voting, by helping others to vote, and by contacting your elected officials - to ensure that these vital freedoms are protected in as many states as possible, and protected in federal policy.
We have the power to elect legislators in every state who will respect the law of the land and the will of the people this November. 34 U.S. Senate seats, all 435 U.S. Representative seats, 46 state legislatures, and 36 state governorships are on the ballot. These are the offices that will determine access to abortion, reproductive health care, and critical rights going forward.
Check out our upcoming chapter events - in person and virtual - to connect with fellow Dems Abroad members, make your voice heard, and get out the vote to ensure Blue wins and protected rights in this critical election year. And if you haven't yet, submit your 2022 voter registration & ballot request today!
Chapter Events & Updates
★ May Chapter Meeting & Bans Off Our Bodies Global DA Rally - Zoom - Saturday, May 14, 3:30-5:30pm
Please join us on Zoom for a short May chapter meeting covering our upcoming in-person events and GOTV opportunities. Our meeting will dovetail into the DA Bans Off Our Bodies Global Virtual Rally.
Please RSVP to both our May chapter meeting and to the DA Global Day of Action rally to attend both.
If you are interested in attending an in-person rally, several DA Germany chapters are holding in-person events on May 14, including in Hamburg, Stuttgart, Berlin, Munich, and Düsseldorf.
Join the DA Germany Kaiserslautern-Saarland Region Chapter at the Luxembourg American Cemetery Memorial Day Commemoration Event. Luxembourg American Cemetery is one of the nearest U.S. military cemeteries to our chapter, and is the final resting place of more than 5,000 U.S. WWII troops, including General George S. Patton.
We will join the DA Germany Veterans & Military Families (VMF) Caucus and DA Luxembourg, who will be laying wreaths as part of the Memorial Day commemoration events. Please RSVP here.
For more event details, contact the DA VMF Caucus at [email protected]. To learn more about the VMF Caucus's work, or to join, visit https://www.democratsabroad.org/vmf.
Join us for in-person Pride celebrations and membership & GOTV tabling at SaarLorLux CSD 2022. We will be celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride, recruiting new members, and getting out the vote.
While event festivities will run from 11am-11pm on Sunday, June 12, we will be tabling from roughly 10am (setup) until 4-5pm. We welcome your participation for all or part of the event! Please RSVP here.
Please help us get out the vote at our Vote From Abroad table at the Kaiserslautern County Family Day event June 25th in Ramstein-Miesenbach. We will be providing information about voting from overseas and helping event attendees register to vote and request their absentee ballots. Please RSVP here.
★ Save the Date: Kaiserslautern-Saarland Region Chapter Annual After Labor Day Potluck - Location TBD - Saturday, September 10
Please save the date for our annual potluck! If you are interested in hosting our annual welcome-back event, please contact [email protected].
DA Germany & Global DA Events of Interest
There are many amazing events happening this month and throughout the summer, from those celebrating AAPI Heritage Month to numerous Meet-the-Candidates events. Visit the DA Germany Events Page and Global DA Events Page to check out what's happening!
★ Democrats Abroad Annual Global Meeting - Virtual - Saturday, May 21 - Sunday, May 22
Democrats Abroad will be convening online via WebEx May 21-22 for the 2022 DPCA Global Meeting, open to all DA members. The most recent agenda version can be found on the event page. RSVP for the DPCA Global Meeting here.
GOTV & Volunteer Opportunities
Phonebanking - contacting DA members who've already agreed to be called and reminding them to register & request their ballot or helping them resolve voting issues - is perhaps our most critical tool in supporting our members in voting from abroad.
In the last couple of phonebanking campaigns, we have fallen short due to lack of phonebanker participation, and were not able to contact all DA members eligible to vote in targeted states.
We URGENTLY need YOUR help to help DA members!
Please join DAG's monthly Phonebanking Stammtisch, taking place the first Sunday of every month at 6:00pm. For a refresher or a first-time training, join at 5:00pm to learn everything you need to phonebank!
RSVP for an upcoming Phonebanking Stammtisch!
- Sunday, June 5, 6:00-7:30pm (join at 5:00 for training/refresh)
- Sunday, July 3, 6:00-7:30pm (join at 5:00 for training/refresh)
- Sunday, August 7, 6:00-7:30pm (join at 5:00 for training/refresh)
★ DA Germany State Teams!
DA Germany and DA have created state-focused teams to drive local action and win state and congressional elections in 2022 and beyond. Currently, we have active state teams for: Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin. If you'd like to join a state team - or don't see your state listed and would like to help creating a team! - please email [email protected].
★ Register to Vote and Request Your Primary & General Election Ballots for 2022!Your Vote Is Your Voice! If you haven't yet this year, go TODAY and register to vote and request your ballot for the US state or territory you vote in at VoteFromAbroad.org (VFA). Primary elections are underway and the fall midterm elections are just around the corner!
Register today and set calendar reminders so you can register for additional elections later this year if required by your state: VoteFromAbroad.org.
★ DA Germany and Global DA Volunteer Opportunities
Our chapter, DA Germany, and the global DA organization are all looking for volunteers to help with the many different ways we support the DA mission. Visit the Volunteer Opportunities page to see current opportunities.
As always, we look forward to hearing from you - your ideas and input are always welcome at [email protected].
Democratically yours,
Esther Lofgren, Kaiserslautern-Saarland Region Chapter Chair