Dear friends,
I’m writing to you from Tel Aviv after several days of not sleeping at all or not sleeping well. The Events of Jan 6, 2021 are still playing on an endless loop in my mind. I hope that you are comforted that the Congress returned after the Capitol was cleared and resumed its business of declaring Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the next President and Vice President of the United States.
These last four years in general and the last seven weeks specifically – culminating in the horrid events of Jan 6 – have taught us that democracy is not a spectator sport. Rather, we each must be engaged and take our part to nurture and tend to our democracy and its bodies.
To this end, Democrats Abroad-Israel will be holding its Annual General Meeting in March in order to select a new board.
All the positions are up for re-election, including my position as Chair, which is term-limited.
The AGM will take place on March 16 at 19:30 via zoom.
Below is important information from the Nomination and Elections Committee about the process. Please read it carefully and consider running for office. We need an active and vibrant party to protect our democracy.
Democratically yours,
Heather Stone, Chair, Democrats Abroad-Israel
Information about the AGM and DA-Israel Elections
On March 16th we will be holding our Democrats Abroad Israel and the Palestinian Territories Annual General Meeting at 19:30 via Zoom.
During the AGM, we will discuss the efforts made by DA in the last election and the effect of DA votes in the November 2020 election.
- Annual Report. We will hear the report from the Chair for the preceding year, as well as the report of the Chair for the Amuta that was established in 2020 in order to enable DAI to fundraise.
- Fundraising and volunteering. We will discuss fundraising and volunteer opportunities;
Bylaws. We will hold a vote for amending the bylaws. The proposed changes include:
- Including a permanent position for the Chair of the Amuta;
- Establishing regional chapters which will be subject to the discretion Executive Committee;
- Adding two positions to the Executive Committee, Fundraising Representative and At-Large members;
- DCPA reps. Method of electing and choosing the Democratic Party Committee Abroad Voting Representatives, Alternative DPCA Representatives and Non-Voting DPCA Representatives.
Board elections. We will hold general elections for the Executive Committee including the new positions subject to the bylaws being amended as proposed.
- Chair
- Executive Vice Chair
- Vice Chair for GOTV
- Vice Chair for Membership
- Vice Chair for Social media
- Vice Chair Media and Public Policy
- Vice Chair for finance (Treasurer)
- Vice Chair for Legal counsel
- Vice Chair for Fundraising;
- At large Members.
- DPCA Representatives (if elected to an executive position on the board , you may also stand for election as a DPCA Voting Representative or Alternate DPCA Voting Representative, subject to Gender Balance as deemed necessary by DA - International bylaws).
- Audit committee. We will also hold elections for the Audit Committee of the newly established Amuta.
Any member of DA-Israel is eligible to submit their candidacy for any of the open positions of the Executive Committee and the Audit Committee. For a description of the position’s responsibilities please refer to the attached bylaws.
To submit your candidacy, please fill out the attached nomination form and return by email to [email protected] by February 14th, 2021. If you choose to nominate someone else for candidacy, please notify the nominating committee by email to [email protected] no later than Feb.1,2021 so that we can contact that person directly for approval.