April 02, 2020

The Activist's To Do List –

There are many things you can do while you are at home in self-isolation. Here is a list of a few ideas, but we'd love to hear how you are using using physical distancing for social good. Have an idea? Please let us know and we will add it to this list!

1. Protect the voting process in the US. Sometimes overcrowded polling places aren’t by design but by too few volunteers. The November election is going to be particularly challenging for states to get vote-by-mail up and running and to make sure there is enough people-power to work at polling centers. Many people who traditionally help at polling locations are retirees and particularly at risk. Now is the time to encourage younger friends and family members at home to volunteer with their local election official. Find out more about this topic in the podcast Campaign HQ with David Plouffe episode “Will We Vote?” from March 26, 2020.

2. Get trained to phone-bank! We will be calling ALL of our members over the next months to remind them to register and request their ballot and to return it in October. Phone banking is fun and rewarding. You can do just a few calls or hundreds — you decide when you want to call and there is a script so you don’t have to know all the answers. This is proven to be the most effective way to get our members to vote. Join us at the Call Hub Party from 6:00-7:30pm on April 20 or watch the training video, sign on to call hub (the calling platform) and we’ll be in touch as soon as the call campaign begins in April. We need your help! 

3. Spread the word. Ask organizations you belong to put our non-partisan voting registration site, VoteFromAbroad.org on their website or in their newsletter.

  • Fraternities and sororities
  • Business or professional clubs
  • Churches, Social clubs or any large membership group

Make your request sound as altruistic and civic-minded as possible. You’ll never know until you ask. — Angela Fobbs, DA Germany, GBC Chair


4. Contact Your Network. Send an email or text message to all of the Americans you know overseas or at home.

Here's an example of a text I sent out to every American expat I knew who wasn’t already involved with Democrats Abroad (it worked! - I got a response from about 70% of them and those who responded checked their registration and requested their ballots). Of course, feel free to customize the message as needed and based on voter location. 

Hey there! I hope your week is going well. At the beginning of 2020 I made a resolution to share voter registration info with all of my American expat friends 🇺🇸 If you haven’t yet checked your voter registration and requested your absentee ballot (something you should do every year), you can do both of those things at this website: www.votefromabroad.org 

It’s really easy to use, and they have an online Help Desk if you have any questions. I’m also happy to answer any voter questions you might have. Contrary to many myths about overseas ballots, your vote can and often does make a difference! The website is non-partisan, but if you know anyone who is interested specifically in getting out the vote for Democrats in 2020, please feel free to send them my number. Thank you and happy voting! 🗳💙

 A personal message like this from a friend will be more effective than a mass-distributed message from an organization. Kelsey Mc Lendon, DA Germany, Stuttgart


5. Volunteer Remotely. Sign up to volunteer with various organizations in the U.S. Here are some ideas:

Fairfight - https://fairfight.com

Swing Left - https://swingleft.org

Supermajority - https://supermajority.com

Justice Democrats - https://www.justicedemocrats.com/volunteer

Sister District - https://sisterdistrict.com/volunteer-activities

Higher Heights - https://www.higherheightsforamerica.org

Vote Save America - https://www.votesaveamerica.com

Dem List - https://demlist.com

Ballotpedia - https://ballotpedia.org/Main_Page

Greater than Fear Minnesota (excellent messaging inspiration): https://greaterthanfear.us

Kelsey Mc Lendon, DA Germany, Stuttgart


Have an idea? Please let us know and we will add it to this list!