August 23, 2018

Democrats in Graz Phonebanking Party

"The midterm elections in November are the last remaining obstacle to President Trump's consolidation of power.[...] Republican turnout has exceeded or equalled Democratic turnout in every midterm since 1978, no matter which party held the Presidency, with an average margin of three per cent - more than enough to decide control of Congress in a closely divided election." (George Packer in The New Yorker)

The midterm elections are fast approaching and the deadline for requesting your absentee ballot is in the next few weeks. We need to make several hundred phone calls - preferably by Sept. 1st! - to get our members registered to vote in 2018.

This year, we have a new phonebanking system that is extremely easy to use - all you need is your laptop (I will provide the internet connection) and a headset if you have one, and I will show you the rest! Together let's see if we can reach more Dems in an hour than our friends in Vienna can! ;)

Feel free to tell your friends - we can expand to more dates and locations if necessary! I will provide refreshments but you will be kicked out promptly at 6:00 pm so my kids can sleep :)


Monday, August 27, 2018 at 03:30 PM
Royalkino in Graz, Austria


The listed address is only for orientation. This phonebanking party is in a private home, please rsvp below to get the exact address.

You can also visit us on facebook.