The November 2 elections are coming up quickly! We’ll begin our 2021 calls to Virginia and New Jersey members for their gubernatorial and state legislature, and to our Ohio voters in two congressional districts, on September 6th.
New Training Features:
- optional PRACTICE CALLS available 24/7 to friendly practice volunteers, helping trainees feel more comfortable before attempting a first call
- demonstration VIDEOS are now incorporated into the training presentation, showing a call, revising data, adding a new mobile number, etc.
- expanded explanation of the CONFIDENTIALITY agreement you signed
- an open-book QUIZ on the calling essentials, to better prepare new callers
- expanded resources for caller SUPPORT, caller groups, and engagement
If you can still remember your first training and are curious to see the improvements, or if you'd like a refresher that will answer some of the questions you’ve had in the past and perhaps had to solve for yourself, please sign up for one of our global phonebanking training sessions.
Go to and choose the session that’s most convenient for you. (The page will prompt you to sign into your DA account.)
Are you ready to call? We’d be pleased to see you at a training session, and DELIGHTED to have you on the phones for 2021.
Democratically yours,
Heidi, Stephanie, Susan, and Stan
DA Global CallHub Team