Leadership Board Positions for 2023-25
In accordance with Democrats Abroad China Bylaws, this announcement will serve as the 60+ day notice prior to the 2023 DACN national election. Article IV, Section 4.1 reads, in part:
"Four (4) members of the Board shall be elected to serve as Members-at-Large, with and without pre-
determined duty designations. Pre-determined Member-At-Large duties will be announced at
least 60 days prior to an AGM. One (1) member of the Board shall be elected as a Get Out The
Vote (GOTV) Coordinator."
Listed below are all of the Leadership Board positions for the 2023-25 term.
Executive Committee Officers
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Director of Communications
- Information Technology Director
- GOTV Coordinator
- Onboarding Coordinator
- Events Coordinator
- General Member-At-Large
- General Member-At-Large
Non-Voting Appointed Board Members
- General Counsel
- Deputy Communications Officer
- Deputy Communications Officer
- Deputy Communications Officer
Please watch this and other DACN spaces for future announcements related to Democrats Abroad China Elections, Bylaws, and our Annual General Meeting (AGM).
- 2021-23 Leadership Board: https://democratsabroad.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ccChina/pages/5440081154/Leadership+Board
- DACN Bylaws: https://democratsabroad.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ccChina/pages/5476223683/Legal+Parliamentary+Library
The DACN Nominations and Elections Committee has been formed for 2023. Contact the DACN Chair and the DACN Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) with questions, or to participate.