The Zurich Chapter of DA Switzerland (DACH) will hold its Annual Chapter Meeting online on Wednesday, 14th April 2021, when we’ll elect our new Chapter Committee. We seek candidates to stand for the four committee positions of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
DACH and the Zurich Chapter have a long history of helping many Americans vote from abroad, working to build a broad member base, and hosting different events to increase community and socio-political knowledge among Americans in the Zurich region.
Let’s continue this journey together as an active chapter. There will be plenty of opportunities for any member to get involved. If you are motivated to take a leadership role in getting out the American vote in Switzerland, helping affect change in US legislation, and increase awareness of social causes, please consider running for a Chapter office!
The four committee positions are described below. Each officer is elected for a two-year term. To nominate yourself or someone else, please write the Zurich Chapter Nominations Committee at [email protected]. Include the name, address, telephone number and email address of the candidate, plus the position desired and a brief statement of intent. Nominations should arrive by end of day, Wednesday, March 10th 2021.
If you are interested in volunteering now but not in seeking a position, please don’t hesitate to complete our volunteer sign-up form or contact Liz Voss, DACH Vice Chair, at [email protected].
Please note: During the term of 2019-2021, three people chose to evenly divide the responsibilities of Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary among themselves. This type of collaborative leadership may not work for all people. However, the responsibilities do not change regardless of how the work is divided, and are thus listed below in the traditional roles:
Zurich Chapter Committee Roles & Responsibilities:
☆ Chair ☆
- Lead, mobilize, and encourage current and new Zurich chapter members
- Oversee and coordinate the business functions of the chapter
- Report as necessary to the national committee
- Ensure that the core work of the Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer is accomplished
- Create & appoint other positions as necessary for effective functioning of the chapter
- Represent DACH Zurich as a member of the DACH Executive Committee (ExCom), and report to the ExCom on chapter activities
- Hold regular meetings, direct the activities of DACH in this region of Switzerland, and keep members informed about activities and events
- Contribute to DACH fundraising and ensure all activities are conducted in compliance with FEC and campaign finance laws, as established by the ExCom
- Coordinate with other leaders and volunteers to assist the event managing and fundraising activities of the chapter
- Coordinate with DACH GOTV for membership and voter outreach in the Swiss regions where no chapter is yet established
☆ Vice Chair ☆
- Assist the Chair in all Zurich chapter activities
- Partner with the Chair to take on some of his/her responsibilities
- Work with the Chair, leadership team, and volunteers to assist the event managing and fundraising activities of the Chapter
- Substitute for the Chair when needed
- Attend DACH ExCom meetings in the absence of the Chair
- Participate in key discussions and decisions as part of the Leadership Team
☆ Secretary ☆
- Distribute meeting agendas, take minutes of all meetings, and distribute to the Chapter Committee and DACH ExCom
- Maintain files and administrative records of the chapter (Google Drive)
- Manage and maintain the Zurich Chapter membership and volunteer lists in coordination with the DACH Secretary. This may require training on the DA database
- In collaboration with event organizers and any respective committee members, ensure event publicity (social media, DACH website, print, etc)
- Work to boost DACH Zurich’s social media presence in collaboration with appropriate committee members or event organizers
- Participate in key discussions and decisions as part of the leadership team
- Assist the leadership team and chapter volunteers in event managing and fundraising activities
☆ Treasurer ☆
- Manage the cash needs DACH Zurich in agreement with the Zurich Chair and the DACH Ex-Com Treasurer
- Maintain accurate financial records and make financial reports as required
- Ensure all financial matters conform to local rules and regulations as well as to those of the FEC and campaign finance laws of the United States
- Educate the DACH Zurich chapter members on financial compliance guidance for Democrats Abroad
- Participate in key discussions and decisions as part of the leadership team
- Assist the leadership team and chapter volunteers in event managing and fundraising activities
To nominate, or for further information, write [email protected].