Mind Made Up?
My grandmama taught me that prayin’ is good for the soul
Prayin’ ain’t nothin’ but sayin’ what’s in your heart
Some folks say faith can move mountains
I guess so if they know so
Other folks say that you can heal bones
But not a truly broken heart
What I believe is people need hope
They need to believe that love conquers all
And that if rain don’t wash away the dirt
A good glass of whiskey and Keb Mo might
People been chattin’ about meditation
Substitute for keeping your mouth closed
Paying attention to where you’re standin’
‘Cause If you ridin’ a wild buckin’ horse
You can’t be thinkin’ about Christmas
Sweet potato pie- and black-eyed peas
You gotta hold on to the reigns
You gotta focus on where you’re headed
My granddaddy could fix almost anything
Except the broken wings of his children
When his wife passed from having too many
Leavin’ their farmyard full of dandelion weeds
You know pruning is easy once you pick up a rake
I can’t put too much credit in people’s talk
Sometimes it sounds like coyotes howlin’
Hungry bellies can’t think too straight
While some animals will eat almost anything
If it’s lookin’ pretty and smellin’ sweet
My sister used to beg me to love her
Like she needed my feelings to have a name
She got fat with self-pity and faded dusty
My brother wanted to be a local marvel hero
Got himself a badge and a legal 45
Got his butt horse whipped with it by a junkie
But he survived chasin’ loose bad gals
My aunt who grew up in that barren yard
Got a bad case of religion in her mature years
Now she’s fanning her lonesome self away
With other sanctified found themselves again
On a hard wooden baptist church bench
A lot of people claim to know who God is
Seen him sitting at them famous crossroads
Picking her teeth with a tree branch
Others say they felt them on the last full moon
Some claim to know him her it personally
Because they read a good book
Lot of folks think they know it all
All I know is that if faith is our number one game
Then hope is our main pawn in it
If we lose that
Then we lose everything
Camille Elaine Thomas
January 02, 2022
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