Mississippi will hold a Runoff Election on Tuesday, November 27 for U.S. Senate. Mississippi holds runoffs when no candidate receives a majority of the vote in a special election. This is a tight race. Democrat Mike Espy and the current Republican Senator tied in the General Election. Now is our chance to flip this seat.
All registered Mississippi voters can vote in this special federal election. If you voted in the General Election, please be sure to return the Ranked Choice ballot that came with you official absentee ballot. If you have it, go ahead and return it now. If you need a new one, contact your election official for a new one. More information on VoteFromAbroad.org.
If you didn't vote in the midterms, send in your form to request a ballot now. It's really easy, you can both send the request and receive your ballot by email. The deadline is November 27, 7pm CST.
Mississippi Special Runoff for U.S. Senate: Tuesday, November 27
- Voter Registration: Oct 29 (passed)
- Ballot Request: No deadline
- Ballot Return: received by Tue, Nov 27, 7pm CST (email, fax, or mail)
☛ Request a ballot: Complete the form at VoteFromAbroad.org.
Please share this information on to any Mississippi voters you know. Democrats win when Democrats vote!
Send any questions to [email protected]. And complete our 2018 Voter Survey about voting in the 2018 midterms to help make it easier to #votefromabroad.
Runoff Instructions for Mississippi Overseas Voters
from http://www.sos.ms.gov/Elections-Voting/Pages/Military-Overseas-Voter.aspx
- Simultaneous with the transmittal of your absentee ballot for the General Election, you have also been provided with a ranked-choice absentee ballot to be used in the instance of a Runoff Election.
- The ranked choice ballot allows you to rank all potential runoff election candidates in the order of your preference.
- If you rank two or more candidates the same, your vote in that particular race will not be counted.
- You are not required to indicate your preference for more than one candidate.
- No additional ballot will be sent to you for a Runoff Election.
- It is your choice when you vote and return your voted Runoff Election absentee ballot; however, absentee ballots returned electronically must be received by the Circuit Clerk's Office of the voter's county of residence by 7:00 p.m. on the date of the election in order to be counted. Absentee ballots must be received on or before the deadline.
For the Runoff Election, your ballot must be received by the Circuit Clerk's Office no later than Runoff Election Day, November 27, at 7:00pm CST.
- Absentee ballots requested on Election Day may only be received by the voter and returned to the Circuit Clerk's Office by e-mail.
- Note: Only the first received absentee ballot may be counted per election per voter. Subsequent absentee ballots received from the same voter for the same election will be rejected.