Bienvenid@ a Democrats Abroad Mexico City

We are a dedicated group of diverse Americans working to mobilize US citizens of voting age living in Mexico City. We are here to support the values of the Democratic Party, help U.S. citizens vote in U.S. elections, and engage Democrats through a range of events and activities. 

If you are looking for ways to get involved in the US elections, consider volunteering some of your time and skills by joining one of our Action Teams! Fill out the form here, and check out detailed team descriptions at the bottom of the page. 

Watch this space and follow us on social media for upcoming activities and events. 


Somos un grupo diverso de estadounidenses dedicados a movilizar a los ciudadanos de Estados Unidos que viven aquí en la Ciudad de México y que están en edad electoral. Estamos aquí para apoyar los valores del Partido Demócrata, ayudar a ciudadanos estadounidenses a votar en elecciones de EU, e involucrar a demócratas a través de una variedad de eventos y actividades.    

Si te interesa involucrarte, por qué no ofrecer un poco de tu tiempo y habilidades uniéndote a uno de nuestros equipos, los “Action Teams”. Llena este formulario aquí, y ve abajo para más información sobre lo que están haciendo nuestros equipos.  


Edgar Lopez
Chair, Mexico City Chapter
Contact me!


ACTION TEAMS (fill out this form to join a team) 

  1. Membership Team:  The Membership team is responsible for developing and implementing strategies to increase the general membership of DACDMX by working closely with other teams whose main mission is to help recruit new members or to register eligible voters.  
    El equipo de membresía se encarga de desarrollar e implementar estrategias trabajando con los otros equipos para ayudar crecer la membresía de DACDMX 

  2. Media Team:  The Media team develops and implements messaging strategies with traditional media outlets including national and international press, television, and radio.  
    El equipo de media se encarga de desarrollar e implementar estrategias para entablar una conversación con los medios de comunicación tradicionales nacionales e internacionales como la prensa, televisión y la radio. 

  3. Social Media Team: The Social Media team plays a key role in building and developing the DA community through our social platforms. The team leader and team members promote the values and objectives of DA by creating and sharing content and engaging with our audience online. 

  4. Get Out the Vote (“GOTV”) Team:  The Get Out the Vote team plans and implements field events to register American citizens in Mexico to vote in U.S federal, state and/or local elections as they may be eligible. 

  5. Events Team:   The Events Team organizes events throughout the year with the goal of growing the organization and helping inform members about what is going on in progressive politics.  

  6. Fundraising Team:  The Fundraising team plans fundraising events and assists with fundraising activities in conjunction with events organized by other DACDMX teams.  

  7. Government Relations Team:  Focuses on rules governing the activity of DA CDMX and maintains relationships with government organizations (both US and Mexican) as well as associations and NGOs as appropriate to advance our goals.  

  8. Phone Banking Team:  The phone banking team works together to get out the vote (GOTV) and get Democrats elected into office.  Phone banking is a political campaign strategy to collect voter data, register new voters, campaign the issues while getting out the vote!   


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Chapter EVENTS


Edgar Lopez-Vallejo

DAMX Mexico City Chapter Chair / Vice Chair for the Americas - Hispanic Caucus / Mexico Director of Media Relations / Global and New York State Communications Teams
Tonei Glavinic

DPCA Voting Representative / DA Mexico City Treasurer
Chase Imhof

DA Mexico Secretary of Membership / DA Mexico City Member-at-Large - Events
Ari Milner

Member at Large - Membership