Saturday, June 03
Hong Kong
Democrats Abroad Hong Kong — Annual General Meeting
Join Democrats Abroad Hong Kong for our 2023 Annual General Meeting and Officer Elections.
There will be two orders of business at the AGM:
- Reports from DAHK’s officers on activities over the past year
- Elections for DAHK’s officers
Currently-serving officers will also speak of plans for the coming presidential election cycle, including events like the Global Presidential Primary!
Democrats Abroad Hong Kong will be holding elections for the following five positions:
- Chair
- Vice-Chair
- Voting Representative
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Any member of Democrats Abroad Hong Kong can stand for election. For reference, members of DAHK must be U.S. citizens who currently reside in Hong Kong. Attendees at the upcoming AGM will then vote for candidates in the meeting. Nominations from the floor during the AGM will be accepted.
Saturday, June 03, 2023 at 10:30 AM Hong Kong Time
Democrats Abroad Hong Kong