A Message for North Dakota Voters

Hello Fellow North Dakota Dem-NPLers, this year has been unlike any year our party has ever experienced. We have Senator Heidi Heitkamp running for re-election, Mac Schneider running for Congress and great statewide and legislative candidate. They are working hard and are in the best possible position to win, but since it’s North Dakota it won't be easy. That's where we need Dem-NPLers who live abroad like you. With a Senate race that will come down to a handful of votes, we need to make sure that every North Dakotan regardless of where they live turns out and votes.

Even if you voted from abroad in the past, if you haven't yet requested your ballot this year, you still need to do so to make sure you can vote. Just go to votefromabroad.org, fill in the Federal request form, print, sign and send it in to your local election office here in North Dakota.

Thank you for your support. Without it we cannot win on Election Day!

Democratically yours,

Warren Larson
Chair, North Dakota Democratic-NPL Party


Your deadlines are coming up. Don't forget:

REQUEST your overseas absentee ballot by Monday, November 5. You may send your request form by email, fax or postal mail. We recommend sending your request form by email, and having your ballot delivered to you by email.


RETURN your ballot to your local election office by email, fax or mail by Monday, November 5. Your ballot sent by email or fax must be received by 11:59 pm the day before Election Day. If you return your ballot by postal mail, it must be postmarked Monday before Election Day and received by Monday, November 12 to be counted.


All overseas voters may vote in North Dakota state and local elections as well as elections for federal offices (US House and US Senate races).

Note: When you fill in your ballot request form, be aware that selecting “I intend to return” rather than “my return is uncertain” may contribute towards establishing yourself as a tax resident in your voting state. Because the legal requirements to establish "residence" or "domicile" for tax purposes are determined by state law and the specific facts of your life, before you note that you intend to return on your form you may consider seeking advice on these matters from your tax professional.