During the 2020 Regional and Global Conventions, Democrats Abroad will use the following procedures to elect delegates to the Democrats Abroad delegation:
Each delegate position will be conducted as an independent election, with two rounds of voting per election.
In the first round of voting, all eligible delegate candidate names will appear on the ballot. Electors will have the opportunity to select the candidates they wish to vote for, sort their names by order of preference and submit their vote.
Using Scottish Single Transfer tabulation, a form of Ranked Choice tabulation, Democrats Abroad will tabulate the ballots and determine the 6 top delegate candidates from that round.
In the second round of voting, the top 6 delegate candidate names will appear on the ballot. Electors will have the opportunity to select the candidates they wish to vote for, sort their names by order of preference and submit their vote.
Using Instant Run Off tabulation, a form of Ranked Choice tabulation, Democrats Abroad will tabulate the ballots and determine an individual winner from that round.