Would you like to work for democracy and serve your Democrats Abroad community? Then run for office! All four DA Madrid Executive Committee volunteer leadership positions (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer) are up for election this year and we need your help.
Who can run? Anyone who is a member of DA Madrid!
Democrats Abroad has a direct impact on world politics. Among other tangible achievements, President Biden is in the White House thanks to the margin of victory provided by DA votes in Georgia and Arizona.
The new DA Madrid leadership’s 2-year term will coincide with the presidential election in 2024, and their work to ensure Democrats maintain control of the White House will be crucial. One of their most important tasks will be leading DA’s Global Presidential Primary in Spain, overseeing the voting process to pick our Democratic nominee for president.
You can play an important role during this vital moment for democracy!
Candidacy submissions are available now at this link. The deadline to register is March 20, 2023, and the election will be held March 25, 2023 at our Annual General Meeting in Madrid (details TBA).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
Please find a description below of the four positions up for election: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. Terms last two years.
General note: these descriptions are illustrative in nature and reflect general trends. Actual responsibilities and tasks can evolve as the unpredictable political situation itself evolves.
Chair Description
-Organization of monthly in-person event for Madrid members (currently, 3rd Thursday of the month). This includes working with fellow Madrid ExComm members to pick a theme, choose a venue, coordinate logistics, create event page on DA website, email invitation to members, etc.
-Organization of Madrid special events (these currently include Pride March, 4th of July picnic, Thanksgiving fundraiser dinner)
-Coordination and attendance of yearly in-person Annual General Meeting for Madrid members (spring)
-Assistance in yearly Spain-wide Annual General Meeting (host cities rotate between Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia...) (spring)
-During presidential election years, coordination of General Presidential Primaries. These are official elections wherein DA members can vote for their preferred Democratic nominee. This event lasts several days and requires a team of volunteers for successful completion (late February, early March)
-Assist with organization of other events and meetings as opportunities arise (for example: protests in the wake of controversial Supreme Court decisions, the DNC visit to Madrid during summer 2022, etc.)
-Support in designing and implementing strategies to engage members (to attend events mentioned above, get out the vote, donate, volunteer)
-Learning to use membership management tool for sending emails, cleaning membership database, etc. (Nationbuilder)
-Optionally serving on different committees (election committees, bylaws committees, caucuses, etc.)
-Press relations (TV, radio, newspaper interviews). Training with DA's press department
-Hosting Get Out the Vote events around the city, at universities, online, etc.
-Troubleshooting voting issues for members
-Attend monthly in-person event for Madrid members (generally 1.5 - 3 hours)
-Attend monthly Spain-wide online ExComm meeting (currently, 2nd Thursday of the month) (generally 1 - 2 hours)
-Attend Madrid special events (Pride March, 4th of July picnic, Thanksgiving fundraiser dinner) (generally 3 hours per event)
-Attend caucus events taking place in Madrid (occasional)
-Attend yearly in-person Annual General Meeting for Madrid members (spring) (generally 3 - 4 hours)
-Attend yearly Spain-wide Annual General Meeting (host cities rotate between Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia...) (spring) (generally 2 days over a weekend)
Vice-Chair Description
-Assist with organization of monthly in-person event for Madrid members (currently, 3rd Thursday of the month). This includes working with fellow Madrid ExComm members to pick a theme, choose a venue, coordinate logistics, create event page on DA website, e-mail invitation to members, etc.
-Assist with organization of Madrid special events (these currently include Pride March, 4th of July picnic, Thanksgiving fundraiser dinner)
-Assist with organization of General Annual Meeting for Madrid (spring)
-Assist with coordination of General Presidential Primaries (late February, early March during presidential election years)
-Assist with organization of other events and meetings as opportunities arise (for example: protests in the wake of controversial Supreme Court decisions, the DNC visit to Madrid during summer 2022, etc.)
-Support in designing and implementing strategies to engage members (to attend events mentioned above, get out the vote, donate, volunteer)
-Support in designing and implementing fundraising strategies
-Learning to use and using NationBuilder to contact members
-Troubleshooting voting issues for members
-Attend monthly in-person event for Madrid members (generally 1.5 - 3 hours)
-Attend monthly Spain-wide online ExComm meeting (currently, 2nd Thursday of the month) (generally 1 - 2 hours)
-Attend Madrid special events (Pride March, 4th of July picnic, Thanksgiving fundraiser dinner) (generally 3 hours per event)
-Attend caucus events taking place in Madrid (occasional)
-Attend yearly in-person Annual General Meeting for Madrid members (spring) (generally 3 - 4 hours)
-Attend yearly Spain-wide Annual General Meeting (host cities rotate between Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia...) (spring) (generally 2 days over a weekend)
Regular tasks:
-Assist with coordination of monthly event for Madrid members (currently, 3rd Thursday of the month)
-Assist with coordination of special events for Madrid members (Pride March, 4th of July picnic, one-off protests of US/international interest, Thanksgiving fundraiser dinner, annual general meeting)
-Take minutes at DA Madrid monthly events
-Coordinate communication efforts to DA Madrid members (mostly email blasts for events)
-Write update for DA Spain monthly newsletter
-Write news and events posts for official DA website for Madrid
-Manage DA Madrid membership database, updating as needed
-Assist with social media: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
-Optional: Attendance at monthly Spain-wide online ExComm meeting as a non-voting member (currently, 2nd Thursday of the month)
-Attend yearly Spain-wide annual general meeting (usually held in Madrid, Barcelona, or Valencia; last few years had online AGMs)
-Assist with coordination of yearly Spain-wide annual general meeting when held in Madrid
-During presidential election years, assist with coordination of the General Presidential Primary. This is an official election for DA members to vote for their preferred Democratic nominee. This event lasts for several days, starting on Super Tuesday, and requires a team of volunteers for successful completion. Entertainment, activities, and food are provided for attendees (late February, early March)
-During presidential election years, assist with coordination of election results party and fundraiser
Miscellaneous tasks:
-Obtain certifications to use Nationbuilder database and content management system: email certification, membership database certification, website content certification
-Obtain DA GDPR certification to use database in EU
-Sign DA confidentiality agreement to work with personal data of US citizens
Regular tasks:
-Keep track of cash activities for the Madrid chapter.
-Conceptualize special events which could raise money for the chapter for both evergreen events (Elections, Pride March, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas) and special one-off events (News related protests, cultural events in Madrid, etc.)
-Report back to DA Madrid at regular monthly events
-Coordinate regular outreach to encourage increased membership and monthly, regular contributions.
-Compose financial updates for the official DA website for Madrid
-Implement social media strategy: Tik Toc, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
-Optional: Assist DA Global on tabulating the organizations’ financial record keeping.
-Assist with executive committee on the coordination of yearly Spain-wide annual general meeting when held in Madrid
-During presidential election years, when awareness is high, devise activities to encourage both regular on-going contributions and one-time special contributions.
Miscellaneous Tasks:
-Target American organizations (i.e. Taste of America) to coordinate membership leveraged from their customers.
-Work with Madrid business for in-kind donations, sponsorships, and other collaborations to offer incentives to subscribers. Samples include donated merchandise, meals, Spanish lessons, etc.
-Create point of purchase cards to encourage donations which could be left at places where ex-pats congregate.