Sunday, March 12
Goettingen, Germany
Göttingen-Hannover Region Chapter Elections
Göttingen-Hannover Region Chapter Elections
Please join us Sunday, March 12 at 3pm via Zoom for Chapter elections. The meeting will begin at 3pm, and voting will begin at 3:30pm. Voting will be held for Chair and Vice Chair positions and is open to all Chapter members.
Please RSVP to this event to receive the Zoom link.
If you are interested in running for a position, you can read more about the elected roles here.
DA Germany will also be holding two information sessions for potential candidates on February 5 (2-3pm, event page here) and February 13 (7-8pm, event page here).
Sunday, March 12, 2023 at 03:00 PM Berlin Time
Chris Gross
[email protected]