Democrats Abroad Canada
Notice of 2020 Annual General Meeting
The DA Canada Annual General Meeting and Elections are upon us!
Join us at 2:00 PM EDT on Sunday, May 2, 2021 for the Democrats Abroad Canada AGM. We will be meeting online this year to celebrate the accomplishments of DemsAbroad Canada volunteers in 2020, announcing the results of our 2021-23 Board elections, and taking nominations from the floor for open positions, if any occur.
Please CLICK HERE to view the Candidate Statements for the various Board member positions we will be electing.
We don’t anticipate accepting nominations from the floor during the virtual AGM as there are no open positions at this time.
This year, voting will be taking place electronically, and the Nominations and Elections
Committee will circulate ballots in advance of the AGM. Keep an eye out in your email for your Ballot, which will be sent out by April 11, 2021.
Looking forward to seeing you at the AGM! And please be sure to vote when you receive your ballot.
Best regards,
DemsAbroad Canada Nominations & Elections Committee
Larry Rousseau, Chair
Heidi Burch
Tim Ellis
Devbani Raha
Peter Tesche, Teller of Elections
John Yee, Technical Advisor