March 26, 2021

Re-Opening Call for Nominations

Democrats Abroad Canada invites you to
nominate candidates for positions without nominees for the
2021 – 2023 Board of Directors

March 26, 2021

As announced earlier, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) where we will hold the election of our Democrats Abroad Canada officers and board members will take place Sunday, May 2, 2021.

Your online ballots will be emailed to you on April 11, 2021, with instructions on how to complete and submit the ballot by May 1, 2021.

On March 3, the Nominations & Elections Committee sent out a request for nominations for the 2021 - 2023 Board of Directions. At this time, the Nominations & Elections Committee is re-opening nominations for the following offices that currently have no nominees:

  • Country Chair

  • Executive Vice Chair (see note below)

  • IT Manager

  • Programs and Events Manager

Note: The Executive Vice Chair elected shall be a member who is of differing gender to the Chair, as per the by-laws of Democrats Abroad & Democrats Abroad Canada, and the rules of the Democratic National
Committee (DNC).

The Nominations & Elections Committee is re-opening nominations only for the four offices listed above which are currently without a nominee. We will not be accepting nominations for any other positions.

Per the DACA Bylaws, individuals elected to one of the above positions will also be considered elected as a DPCA Voting Representative.


Nominations re-open with this mailing and will close at 12:00 NOON (ET) on Tuesday, March 30, 2021.

You have 3 options for submitting a nomination.
● Complete the online nomination form by clicking here
● Submit a nomination via email
● Submit a nomination via Canada Post

Submissions via email may be sent to [email protected]. You can also mail your nomination(s) to:  DACA Nominations, c/o H Burch, 6258 Lavery Court, Mississauga, ON L5N 3G2. Postal submissions must be received by 12:00 Noon ET, Tuesday, March 30, 2021.

If nominating for Chair or Executive Vice Chair, please indicate if the nominee is male, female, or non-binary.

An accompanying 300-word (maximum) statement supporting your nominee, or yourself if you are self-nominating, is requested.  It needs to describe skills and experience pertinent to the position (or office) for which you or your nominee is running. A nominee must be a Democrats Abroad Canada member, a US citizen, a resident within the boundaries of Democrats Abroad Canada, and willing and able to handle duties while adhering to the principles of the Democratic Party of the United States. A nominee must give their consent to stand for election.

We greatly appreciate your assistance and look forward to receiving your nominations.

CLICK HERE to complete a Nomination form

Best regards,

DemsAbroad Canada Nominations & Elections Committee
Larry Rousseau, Chair
Heidi Burch
Tim Ellis
Devbani Raha
Peter Tesche, Teller of Elections
John Yee, Technical Advisor