November 18, 2019


I am including the text of a recent email to members below in an effort to drum up enthusiasm among "the troops" to get more involved and more active in DA Montreal's efforts to get out the vote in 2020.  We have slowly been building interest in our efforts over the last few months, but look for that to ramp up in 2020.  We have the DA Presidential Global Primary in March, a DA event in Toronto in May, and of course the actual election in November.

In order for our chapter to be successful (and that means Democratic wins in 2020) there is no doubt in my mind that  I need more of you, ALL of you, to help me.  Help in any way you can - volunteer your professional talents - graphics, marketing, entertainment, etc.  Volunteer your time at DA events (this is important for our Global Primary event).  Come to our events and talk with us about our plans for the future of our chapter.  

                                                     DA MONTREAL WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE IF OUR MEMBERS PARTICIPATE!

Thank you in advance,

Randi Weitzner


I really want to meet more of you and get our chapter moving in the right direction. It’s all about building relationships and building momentum as we head into 2020. I know it’s cold and getting downtown can be a pain, but I have been learning that face to face contact with members is a very important way to motivate members. So, please come and join us on Wednesday.

I can imagine most of you have been watching the impeachment hearings either in full or in bits and pieces. And yet, when I talk to people who might have a more “studied” view of these proceedings (an MSNBC contributor and a professor of political science) I hear them say things like “don’t be surprised if Trump is able to get re-elected in 2020”. Really?? Personally, I am shocked to hear this, but it also hardens my resolve to make sure we reach out to each and every American Democrat living in Montreal and ensure that they vote from abroad. That may be all we can do to effect a change and so as DA members we all have to work together to make sure we do the most effective outreach we can.

All that said, please come to Hurley’s on Wednesday. We are having some “US Thanksgiving” treats. If you have any Thanksgiving decorations, bring them along. I so enjoy talking to members and have gotten some great ideas and help from so many of you after to talking with you at past events.

Randi Weitzner

[email protected]
