Today is a day to celebrate. 102 years after the Equal Rights Amendment was introduced, it was today finally declared by President Biden that the ERA, the 28th amendment to the US Constitution, is the ‘the law of the land’. There will still be some hurdles as laws need to be changed to abide by the new amendment but this was a critical milestone to be passed.
"What a journey for women on their path to be recognized in the Constitution! Democrats Abroad has been part of the effort since we unanimously passed a resolution in 2018 to work for ratification of the ERA. And we have. We established the ERA Task Force and we have advocated with legislators and promoted voting for equality candidates," noted ERA Task Force Chair Shari Temple.
We agree with American Bar Association that there is no statute of limitations on ratifications, and call upon the US Archivist to do her job and publish the 28th amendment of the US constitution, codifying equal rights for women and LGBTQ+ individuals.
Thank you Alice Paul for introducing the ERA in 1923 and for all the women and men who have worked for this day – especially all our DA members and leaders.
And thank you President Biden for bringing this 102 year journey to a close.
Congratulations to all of us for now being seen as equal under the law in the USA. May that spread worldwide.