The minutes from the DAGT 2018 Annual General Meeting of March 24th, are now ready and attached HERE. Take a few minutes to read them if you want to be fully up to date on happenings with your Democrats Abroad Guatemala country committee. Let us know if you have any comments or questions. Send them to Lyn Totino, Secretary, at : [email protected].
While we’re at it, have you committed to voting? If you haven’t already requested your ballot for the 2018 midterm elections by completing and submitting a new Federal Post Card Application (FPCA), please do so right away at: .
If you need help, then try to attend one of our voter registration events. Our next one is in Antigua on Saturday, April 14th, 11am to 2pm at Enlaces on 6th Avenida norte. Otherwise, watch your inbox for email notices of upcoming voter registration events regarding dates, times and places or check the Revue magazine for our ads – or contact one the following DAGT voter registration principals for more personal help:
Voter Registration Standing Committee Chair: Kee Kalwara, [email protected]
Guatemala City MeetUp Group Chair: Hyungjoon Jin, [email protected]
Lake Atitlán MeetUp Group Chair: Traci Styner, [email protected]
Occidente MeetUp Group Chair: Sara Castellano, [email protected]
Occidente MeetUp Group Deputy Chair, Rachael Shenyo, [email protected] Quetzaltenango/Huehuetenango areas
The Executive Committee
Democrats Abroad Guatemala
DA Guatemala