Democrats Abroad will send 21 delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in July 2020, equally divided by gender:
8 automatic delegates
- Democrats Abroad's Global Chair and Vice Chair
- Democrats Abroad's 6 elected DNC members
13 selected delegates
- 1 pledged party leader and elected official (PLEO) delegate, selected at the global convention.
12 at-large delegates selected during the Democrats Abroad regional and global conventions in Toronto, May 15-17, 2020.
- 9 delegates selected at the three regional conventions. Those regions are Asia Pacific; Europe, Middle East and Africa; and the Americas.
- 3 delegates selected at the global convention.
As well as additional positions:
- 1 alternate per presidential candidate who received 15% or more of the total votes in the Global Presidential Primary.
- 1 member each in the Credentials, Platform, and Rules and Bylaws committees at the DNC.
- 1 convention chair, elected by the delegation following the Global Convention. This person is responsible for managing all the details of the DA delegation’s national convention experience including convention prep, housing, breakfast meetings, transportation, etc.
- 1 convention page, chose by the Global Chair.
Delegate candidates must meet the following criteria to run:
- Be a resident abroad and a US Citizen, both at the time of selection as well as at the time of the National Convention.
- Be a member of Democrats Abroad prior to voting in the Global Presidential Primary (same day registration applies)
- Be 18 years of age or older as of Election Day November 3, 2020
- Must not participate or plan to participate in the nominating process of any other delegation to the 2020 DNC, or of any other political party for the 2020 presidential elections.
Those interested in running for delegate must do the following:
- Check back soon for the submission form! This will be made available no later than March 24, 2020.
- Identify their presidential preference, and sign a pledge of support for that single presidential candidate.
- Submit a written application to the Global Chair by April 17, 2020.
Run for delegate position at the regional and global conventions May 15-17, 2020.
More details, including how the regional and global conventions will be run, are available here.