Democrats Abroad 2020 Press Kit
Press Requests
Democrats Abroad leaders around the world possess a wealth of knowledge on key issues facing citizens abroad and the elections process. To reach any of these individuals, please find your location listed under “Countries” on our website. For global enquiries, please contact [email protected]. Full press kit can be found below.
The Global Presidential Primary
The Democrats Abroad Global Presidential Primary runs from March 3 to March 10, 2020 at hundreds of voting centers around the world. Democrats Abroad will send delegates to the Democratic National Convention this July who reflect the results of the primary.
Primary Voters must meet the following criteria to vote
- Reside abroad and be a U.S. Citizen
- Be a member of Democrats Abroad
- Be 18 as of November 3, 2020
- Not have voted, or plan to vote, in any other 2020 state presidential primary
- Democrats Abroad allows same day registration for voters participating in the Global Presidential Primary
- Voters may register in-person or by signing up at
- Voters abroad may also vote by downloading a ballot and emailing or postal mailing it to Democrats Abroad from February 18, 2020 through March 10, 2020. Ballots must be received by DA prior to 12:00 am Pacific Standard Time on March 11, 2020.
Key Press Releases
Voting Begins for Democrats Abroad Global Presidential Primary
Democrats Abroad Announces 12 Democratic Presidential Candidates Qualify for Primary Ballot
Democrats Abroad Calls on Americans Abroad To Participate in the 2020 Presidential Primary
About Democrats Abroad
Who we are
What we do
Key global spokespeople
Additional useful links
- Our history
- Our latest news
- Our work on top-of-mind issues for US citizens abroad
- Our Democratic National Committee members
The Global Presidential Primary
What it is
Our role in a fair and free primary process
Additional useful links
- Our 2020 Voting Center Locations
- Our 2020 Primary Activities
- Democrats Abroad Announces Primary Ballot
- Our Delegate Selection Plan, including how the Global Presidential Primary is run
Our Delegation to the Democratic National Convention
What it is
How it works
Additional useful links
- The election process for Democrats Abroad members who would like to join the DNC delegation
- The voting process for electing delegates at the global and regional conventions
- Delegate Selection Workshop
- How to become a Democrats Abroad delegate to the DNC
- What does it cost to attend the national convention?
- Our affirmative action goals
- Democratic National Convention website
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